In his private practice, Olivier Caprasse specializes in acting as arbitrator. He has served as chair, sole arbitrator or co-arbitrator in ad hoc or institutional arbitration proceedings (ICC, CEPANI, SCC, AFA, Geneva Chamber of Commerce and Industry, LCIA, CCJA, CACI, CRCICA, etc.).
For example, he has been active in different countries, in French or in English, in particular as:
- Co-Arbitrator in an investment arbitration related to Mauritius;
- ICC emergency arbitrator in a dispute relating to an investment in an African country;
- Co-arbitrator in a CCJA arbitration (Congo) on a subcontracting contract;
- Co-arbitrator in disputes involving commercial contracts with Chinese parties;
- Co-arbitrator in a dispute related to bank guarantee;
- Arbitrator in Expedited Proceedings (ICC, SCC);
- Arbitrator, co-arbitrator or chair for numerous post-acquisition disputes relating to claims seeking to set aside the sale, rescind the sale, set the abatement of the purchase price or covenant for further assurance, or representations and warranties, compensation for the buyers, etc.;
- Chair of an ad hoc Tribunal relating to one of the major real estate building sites in Europe;
- ICC sole arbitrator regarding the performance of an oil brokerage in the United States;
- Co-arbitrator in a dispute relating to comprehensive worksite insurance in the field of offshore wind turbines;
- Co-arbitrator in a reinsurance dispute on the London market;
- Geneva Chamber of Commerce sole arbitrator in a dispute relating to the performance of a shareholders’ agreement between Vietnamese and Swiss interests;
- ICC co-arbitrator in a dispute relating to the construction of a luxury hotel complex in Spain;
- ICC sole arbitrator in a dispute relating to the distribution of fashion products in the Middle East;
- ICC co-arbitrator in a dispute relating to a bank’s obligations with regard to documentary credit;
- Chair of a CEPANI Tribunal in a dispute relating to a supply agreement for telephone services in an Eastern country;
- ICC sole arbitrator in a dispute relating to performance of an intermediation agreement in Qatar;
- Chair of an ICC Tribunal in a dispute relating to the investment regime applied in India by European companies;
- Ad hoc co-arbitrator in a construction dispute between a European company and an African state;
- CACI chair in a dispute between European and African companies relating to the sale and operating of mines;
- Chair at the Geneva Chamber of Commerce in a dispute relating to the validity and performance of an arms trade agreement;
- Chair of an ad hoc Tribunal tasked with settling various disputes arising from restructuring operations of a group of companies.